Author: Andi

Andi Mann is an accomplished digital business executive with extensive global expertise as a strategist, technologist, innovator, marketer, communicator, and thought leader. For over 25 years and across five continents, Andi has built success with Fortune 500 corporations, technology vendors, governments, and as a leading research analyst and business consultant. Andi is a sought-after commentator on business technology - published in USA Today, New York Times, Forbes, CIO, and Wall Street Journal; presented at Gartner ITxpo, VMworld, CA World, Interop, Cloud Expo, SAPPHIRE, and Citrix Synergy; participated and hosted interviews for radio, television, webcasts, podcasts, and live events; and more. Andi has been named to Business Insider's Top Thought-Provoking Enterprise Tech Execs, Huffington Post's Top 100 Cloud Computing Experts, Gathering Clouds Top 5 Cloud Experts - Who’s Who in Cloud, SAP's Top 50 Cloud Computing Influencers, and in research firm ITSMA's Best Practices in B2B Thought Leadership. Andi is co-author of the popular handbook, 'Visible Ops – Private Cloud'; and most recently, 'The Innovative CIO'. He blogs at 'Andi Mann – Übergeek' (, and tweets as @AndiMann. Outside work Andi is an avid sports fan who loves cycling, skiing, basketball, and rugby; he also enjoys cooking, eating, travelling, art, photography, and gaming.

53 essential resources for DevOps practitioners

 Recently the good people at TechBeacon – an HP content marketing project, but still with a lot of really useful posts – listed 53 essential resources for DevOps practitioners. And apparently I am on! Thanks Techbeacon! There are also 52 actually…

Ubergeek and expert technologist, Andi Mann, breaks down containers, microservices, and unikernals | Cloud Era Institute

I was recently privileged to hear from Kristin Zhivago, who reached out to me from the Cloud Era Institute, a really interesting group who (among other things) publish an excellent online journal with loads of educational content on business technology.…

DevOps & the value of Data: Splunk’s Andi Mann interviewed – Sendachi

I recently had the great pleasure of talking with my good mate Justin Vaughn-Brown over at Sendachi (edit: previously Contino, now Contino again), a smart bunch of people focused on DevOps, headed up by the excellent Benjamin Wooten, who founded…

#CloudMinds huddle recap: Hybrid cloud and the transition to next — Medium

I was  excited to be recently invited to join the CloudMinds, a fantastic gathering of sharp minds in cloud and adjacent areas, at one of their semi-regular thinktanks. After the event, the awesome Kevin Allen put together some notes and lo…

51 DevOps Influencers to Start Following Today

“You don’t have to be interested in DevOps specifically, to benefit and gain value from what these protagonists have to say. DevOps encompasses so many facets of information technology, that whether you work in Internet monitoring software, IT security, application…

Boosting Your Career with a DevOps Mindset – Dice Insights

I was thrilled when the other day someone reached out to me from Dice – the career hub for tech! – to ask what it takes to ‘do DevOps’, and how should job seekers look to gain skills that will…

Ready for DevOps? Time to brush up on The Office and practise ‘culture’ • The Register

I was recently privileged to talk with Danny Bradbury at The Register about DevOps Culture, Automation, Measurement, and Sharing and be mentioned alongside the excellent Donnie Berkholtz of 451 Research, and a couple other vendoring people. Of course I made sure to credit…

7 things 2016 has in store for the future of DevOps and IT

In a stunning turn of selective memory, I have decided to ignore the abject inaccuracies of all my former predictions and pretend that, once again, I can see the future, all evidence to the contrary. Alongside Rick Fitz (SVP and…

Will 2016 be the year to make or break DevOps? – TechRepublic

This week I was privileged to talk with Conner Forrest, an insightful writer and Enterprise Editor over at the esteemed journal, Tech Republic, about the future of DevOps and what to look forward to in 2016. Among some very interesting commentary,…