I was recently privileged to hear from Kristin Zhivago, who reached out to me from the Cloud Era Institute, a really interesting group who (among other things) publish an excellent online journal with loads of educational content on business technology. In part 2 of a 2 part series, we talked about microservices, containers, and unikernels:
Microservices, unikernels, and containers. In some ways, these are not new ideas.The basic concept of microservices is that you simply break large, monolithic clumps of code into smaller clumps – microservices – that can be more easily built, managed, and integrated. These smaller clumps are designed from the start to be integrated. This model is changing the way we write software. It’s a positive trend, but very disruptive.
There is a lot more at the source, Ubergeek and expert technologist, Andi Mann, breaks down containers, microservices, and unikernals | Cloud Era Institute. While you’re there, check out some other articles. There’s a lot of good stuff there!