About This Site

This is the personal web site and blog of Andi Mann, and is simply an occasional outlet for my musings, whether on technology or anything else. It will inevitably lean heavily toward commentary on enterprise Information Technology (IT), especially around strategic business and technology issues facing CIOs, CxOs, enterprise architects, and technology strategists.

On any given day I may write on innovation, social media, cloud computing, enterprise mobility, executive strategies, new technologies, IT marketing, application development, data center management, automation, data security, consumer technologies, strategic IT issues, and the business value of technology. That said, be prepared for occasional musings or references to politics, TV, food, cooking, cycling, sports, gaming, music, theatre, movies, or anything else that floats my boat on any given day.

I would like to say that the content of this blog are entirely my own personal views, and not those of my employer – and it is true – but I am not naive enough to believe it does not reflect on them at all. It does, but not always intentionally. So, if you have a gripe, please take it up with me, not them.

You can find more information about me in my profile page, and in the links it contains.

Please enjoy, and please discuss!


This blog and all of its contents are © Andi Mann 2009-2013 except for any content that has an existing copyright.