Tag: Visible Ops

New Research Explains What Really Makes a Successful Hybrid Cloud

Anyone that knows me knows that I am a sucker for excellent research and data. Well, my friend and co-author on Visible Ops – Private Cloud, Kurt Milne (@kurtmilne on Twitter), just sucked me in with some excellent new research…

A Service Taxonomy for Cloud Choices

I have been talking with many CIOs for some time about strategic adoption of cloud solutions. A key step in these conversations is always the review of the portfolio of services they provide to business users, so they can choose…

Chinwag with Mike Laverick

I recently had the great pleasure of recording a ‘Chinwag’ on RTFM Education hosted by the inestimable Mike Laverick (@Mike_Laverick). Mike is a consummate pro with a comprehensive understanding of virtualization, so it was a privilege and a joy to…

Review of Virtual Ops Private Cloud

I am grateful to James Downey, Solution Architect at Dell, for writing a review of my new book, ‘Visible Ops – Private Cloud‘ on his excellent blog, Cloud of Innovation. In it, James takes a very even-handed look at our…

Calculating the cost advantages of private cloud

I was happy to see an excerpt from my new book, ‘Visible Ops – Private Cloud’ was posted recently on Tech Target’s SearchCloudComputing.com. To master private cloud economics, tune up your spreadsheets and refine the business value proposition of your…

Private cloud not necessary for enterprises, analyst says

In a recent article on IT World Canada, Selena Mann (no relation) talks about the need for private and public cloud, and whether enterprises really need a private cloud. She also highlights the advice in my new book, ‘Visible Ops…