Tag: Google

TechViews Unplugged – October 2013

In this episode of TechViews Unplugged, George Watt of CA Technologies and I discuss the latest research on DevOps, Samsung’s OLED displays, and how the Fitbit fitness tracker provides unexpected healthcare insights.

▶ CloudViews Unplugged: June 2012

In this episode of CloudViews Unplugged, Andi Mann and George Watt discuss government savings from cloud, cloud bill shock, solar cloud, Google Chrome, Facebook, Siri and more! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39INztmCeFI To read the show notes for this episode and for more cloud…

CloudViews Unplugged: January 2013

In the latest episode of CloudViews Unplugged, George Watt and I discuss the Christmas Eve AWS outage, cloud computing standards, Google awarding 6 science projects with up to one billion core-computing hours and Netflix open-sources Janitor Monkey. You can read…

Is It Time to Stop Making Excuses for Cloud Outages? (BizTechMagazine)

  Ricky Ribeiro (@ricktagious) of BizTech Magazine (@BizTechMagazine) has penned a few thoughtful comments on my latest blog, Time To Stop Forgiving Cloud Providers for Repeated Failures: Some cloud pundits say, “Hey, no technology is up all the time. Deal…

CloudViews Unplugged: September 2012

In the September episode of CloudViews Unplugged, Andi Mann and George Watt of CA Technologies discuss what happens when cloud providers go out of business, SMEs benefit from cloud, CFOs see cloud benefits, Google Science Fair, AWS gathers Mars images,…

CloudViews Unplugged: July 2012

In the July episode of CloudViews Unplugged, George Watt and I discuss two recent cloud surveys, rogue IT, how Europe is lagging behind the US in cloud adoption, the national Kidney Registry’s move to cloud, plus Google Maps Coordinate, Oracle…

CloudViews Unplugged: June 2012

In this episode of CloudViews Unplugged, Andi Mann and George Watt discuss government savings from cloud, cloud bill shock, solar cloud, Google Chrome, Facebook, Siri and more! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyE6pYFpbw0 To read the show notes for this episode and for more cloud…

Why the Public Cloud is a Big Fat Enterprise #Fail

Simultaneously meeting the needs of consumers, while addressing the needs of IT leaders, is exactly how a small With the advent of the consumer driven enterprise, there are now two ways to define the success of a platform. One is…

Survivor: CIO Edition CeBIT Australia

I was thinking about the issues I will present at CeBIT Australia, and thought I would jot some thoughts down. The people at CeBIT thought it was interestign enough to publish in its entirety. How cool is that!? So here…

The Opportunity of Social & Mobile – If Not You Then Who?

I was amused the other day by a line I saw on Twitter from Wall Street Journal columnist, Jason Gay (@jasonWSJ – see image at left): “If Twitter didn’t exist, you’d have no idea what airlines your friends are currently…