Tag: Google

Enter the World of Consumer-Driven IT

I posted a new article over at the CA Community website titled ‘Enter the World of Consumer-Driven IT‘, where I talk about (obviously) the impact of consumer-driven IT: Consumerization of IT is not a really new concept. Consumers (as employees)…

The Cost of Innovation in Virtualization and Cloud?

I was pointed the other day to a chart on the Business Insider ‘Chart of the Day’ (@chartoftheday) showing the R&D expenditures for a handful of tech companies, evidence of Apple’s supposedly superior ‘innovation’ compared to four apparently randomly chosen…

Cloud Computing in the Public Sector

If there was still any doubt about the real world use cases for cloud computing, the US Federal Government last week published a 38-page report  entitled “State of Public Sector Cloud Computing” (link to PDF at CIO.gov). Attributed to the…