Richard Branson on Staying Ahead

From travel to entertainment, Virgin Global always aims to be one step ahead of its competition. The CEO of the company, Sir Richard Branson, has learned that innovation is the key to remaining on top. I recently sat down with Sir Richard as he answered questions submitted by people as part of our #AskBranson Facebook campaign.

During the interview, Sir Richard touched upon Virgin Galactic and the company’s push into space. Virgin plans to put up satellites for a fraction of the current cost and this, along with other innovative ideas, will “help transform the world,” according to Sir Richard.

The most interesting part of the interview came when I asked Sir Richard, “Which failure do you recall learning something really important from?” To me, I think we learn more from our failures than we do from our successes. Take a look at the full interview with Sir Richard Branson to find out his answer to this question and learn more about how innovation can help your company keep ahead of the competition.


This blog was originally posted on CA Technologies Innovation blog at