Forrester: 70% of “private clouds” aren’t really clouds at all – Network World

Network World LogoThe illustrious Brandon Butler of Network World recently took up the debate about cloudwashing, and what exactly makes up a ‘real’ private cloud. While James Staten of Forrester take a reasonably strict line with cloudwashing I tend to be a little more pragmatics. If it delivers value, then maybe we don’t need to be so strict on terminology?

Andi Mann, a vice president of Strategic Solutions at CA Technologies and cloud pundit, pumps the brakes a little bit on this discussion though. “If you don’t have all five (characteristics), then you’re getting into semantics,” he says. The real question, he says, is not whether the five check marks can be made to call something a cloud – it’s whether IT is serving its users appropriately. “Sometimes 80% of cloud is good enough,” he says. “What it’s really all about is business service. Who cares what you call it; what you care about is that your customers, your business users have the resources they need.”

Read more at the source – Forrester: 70% of “private clouds” aren’t really clouds at all – Network World