Another day, another public cloud failure. Sometime on Friday December 10, 2010, claims content delivery network (CDN) provider SimpleCDN, two of its major upstream infrastructure providers, SoftLayer and Hosting Services, summarily terminated service for much of SimpleCDN’s infrastructure in Dallas,…
Public Cloud Computing is NOT For Everyone
Without pointing any fingers, there seems to be a persistent refrain from some public cloud computing proponents that says, ‘If you are running your own IT, then you are doing it wrong’. This attitude fails to account for the magnitude…
How Do You Measure ‘Value’ in IT Innovation?
I recently met with a number of CIOs from large enterprises and discussed, among many other things, what the notion of ‘value’ really means to the modern CIO. As a marketer, I was very interested to talk about this topic, …
The Cost of Innovation in Virtualization and Cloud?
I was pointed the other day to a chart on the Business Insider ‘Chart of the Day’ (@chartoftheday) showing the R&D expenditures for a handful of tech companies, evidence of Apple’s supposedly superior ‘innovation’ compared to four apparently randomly chosen…
Mainframe as an Enterprise Desktop Virtualization Server?
In my last blog, I talked about the idea of a ‘software mainframe’, and how – if that term really means anything – IBM could actually be a serious threat to VMware (and the Virtual Computing Environment coalition of VMware/Cisco/EMC)…
“Software Mainframe” – a Poor Analogy for Virtualization
IT loves analogies. Seriously, will the computer-as-a-car analogy ever die (please)? It has been over 10 years since we first heard jokes about if Microsoft built cars: At a computer expo (COMDEX) Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry with…