You know I am not a big fan of the prediction blog – which neverthless never stops me from trying – but Ann Bednarz over at Network World has done a stellar job of crystal ball gazing in her new…
CloudViews Unplugged: December 2012
In this episode of CloudViews Unplugged, Andi Mann and George Watt of CA Technologies discuss cloud computing predictions for 2013, The Weather Channel scaling up their cloud during Hurricane Sandy, researchers using cloud for molecule-by-molecule printing for anti-cancer drugs &…
New CA Press Book “The Innovative CIO” Delivers Practical Tips for CIOs
CIOs become the driving force for business innovation. The Innovative CIO ISLANDIA, N.Y., December 18, 2012 CA Technologies today announced the availability of “The Innovative CIO: How IT Leaders Can Drive Business Transformation,” the latest book published by CA Press.…
The One Thing You Can Do Today to Spur Innovation
If our recent innovation survey made anything abundantly clear, it was that having a well-established and formal process for encouraging innovation is essential for driving improvement at all levels. In fact, the research found the more innovative the organization, the…
New Research Explains What Really Makes a Successful Hybrid Cloud
Anyone that knows me knows that I am a sucker for excellent research and data. Well, my friend and co-author on Visible Ops – Private Cloud, Kurt Milne (@kurtmilne on Twitter), just sucked me in with some excellent new research…
Please Stop Citing Lack of Budget as a Roadblock to Innovation
It’s no surprise that “lack of available budget” was the barrier to innovation cited by 47% of U.S. respondents, and 29% of global respondents, in our Innovation Imperative study. But here’s a data point that’s both surprising and disturbing. Among IT…