Executivo adverte sobre a cloud: nem toda revolução é boa – Terra

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My Cloud Expo plenary session presentation was reviewed in Brasil on the massive Terra online network.



Executivo adverte sobre a cloud: nem toda revolução é boa

O vice-presidente da fabricante de software CA Technologies, Andi Mann, aproveitou a Cloud Expo, que está sendo realizada em Nova York, para fazer diversas metáforas da cloud computing com a vida. Ele enfatizou que a migração para a nuvem é como a maioria das coisas na vida: há vantagens e desvantangem. Para ilustrar ainda mais, Mann comparou esse tipo de migração nos negócios com as revoluções em países.

According to Google, this translates as follows:

Executive warns of cloud: the revolution is not all good

The vice president of software maker CA Technologies, Andi Mann, took the Cloud Expo, being held in New York, to do various metaphors of cloud computing with life. He emphasized that migration to the cloud is like most things in life: there are advantages and desvantangem. To further illustrate, Mann likened this type of migration in business with the revolutions in countries.

Pretty close!

You can read the whole article here – Executivo adverte sobre a cloud: nem toda revolução é boa – Terra

Or in English via Google Translate here – Executive warns of cloud: the revolution is not all good.

And you can see the entire Cloud Expo plenary presentation on Slideshare, From Virtualization to Cloud Computing -Building an Effective, Pragmatic, & Reliable Cloud.