Tag: IaaS

Cloud computing : bienvenue à l’âge adulte | Le Cercle Les Echos

I was interviewed recently by the wonderful people at Le Cercle Les Echos. In it, I talked to them about the issues with ‘cowboys’ in the cloud, and the need for ‘grown-up’ management tools: LE CERCLE. L’hésitation de certaines entreprises…

Is It Time to Stop Making Excuses for Cloud Outages? (BizTechMagazine)

  Ricky Ribeiro (@ricktagious) of BizTech Magazine (@BizTechMagazine) has penned a few thoughtful comments on my latest blog, Time To Stop Forgiving Cloud Providers for Repeated Failures: Some cloud pundits say, “Hey, no technology is up all the time. Deal…

New Research Explains What Really Makes a Successful Hybrid Cloud

Anyone that knows me knows that I am a sucker for excellent research and data. Well, my friend and co-author on Visible Ops – Private Cloud, Kurt Milne (@kurtmilne on Twitter), just sucked me in with some excellent new research…

10 Ways IT Can Own Cloud Decisions

How IT leaders can bring the true value of cloud computing to their organizations. Much of the hype surrounding cloud computing is causing confusion among enterprise IT looking to cloud to solve problems and hoping not to introduce more. Unfortunately several…

CloudViews Unplugged: July 2012

In the July episode of CloudViews Unplugged, George Watt and I discuss two recent cloud surveys, rogue IT, how Europe is lagging behind the US in cloud adoption, the national Kidney Registry’s move to cloud, plus Google Maps Coordinate, Oracle…

Are community cloud services the next hot thing?

I was interviewed recently for a great article on community cloud services published today in NetworkWorld, by Brandon Butler. Here is just a short excerpt: From a vendor perspective, community clouds let service providers distinguish themselves in a growingly-crowded cloud…

Real-World Applications for the Private Cloud

Not surprisingly, since the release of my new book, Visible Ops – Private Cloud, I have been talking with a lot of people about how to deploy private cloud, where to start, what to avoid, etc. So far, the most…

A Service Taxonomy for Cloud Choices

I have been talking with many CIOs for some time about strategic adoption of cloud solutions. A key step in these conversations is always the review of the portfolio of services they provide to business users, so they can choose…

Why Large Enterprises Need Public Cloud Too

In several recent posts, I have concentrated on the benefits of private cloud for large enterprises. For example: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Cloud: The Evolutionary Path The cost benefit myth of the public cloud Launching my first book – Visible…