Tag: CA Technologies

Why Do You *NOT* Love Going to VMworld?

In my last post, I asked why you love going to VMworld, and gave you a few of my reasons – like the people, the technology, the announcements, the sessions, the labs, and the parties. But like any business trip,…

Why Do You Love Going to VMworld?

I love going to VMworld. It may be my favorite conference of the year (after CA World, of course!). If you love going to VMworld too, then I would really like to know why. I’ll start … For me, the…

CA, Unisys bring private cloud partnership to Oz

I spoke with Richard Chirgwin from The Register during my trip to CA World Expo in Australia, about the mammoth ‘Cloud Choices’ announcement, the release of 10 new and improved products from CA Technologies: Speaking to a media lunch at…

El Reg guide to the Private Cloud

I had the great pleasure of talking with The Register’s Nathan Coates about my experience in what applications makes are a good fit for private cloud deployments. Nathan actually ended up quoting me in his article, which is excellent reading!…

Cloud Expo East: Choosing Your Path to Cloud Computing

Cloud Expo just wrapped up this week, and I’ve had several attendees reach out to me asking for copies of my session slides. Rather than clog up everyone’s inboxes, I thought it worth posting them on the CA Communities blog…

Executivo adverte sobre a cloud: nem toda revolṳ̣o ̩ boa РTerra

My Cloud Expo plenary session presentation was reviewed in Brasil on the massive Terra online network. . . Executivo adverte sobre a cloud: nem toda revolução é boa O vice-presidente da fabricante de software CA Technologies, Andi Mann, aproveitou a…

How To Build an Effective & Pragmatic Cloud

It was great to have my upcoming session at Cloud Expo, ‘How to Build an Effective and Reliable Cloud’ previewed on the SYS-CON’s Cloud Computing Journal web site in a nice short article by Roger Strukhoff. Remaining unambiguously on Planet…

What to expect at Interop? At least one great panel session!

I posted a blog over at the CA Communities web site, talking about how I am excited to be on a panel session at Interop next week entitled, ‘Best Practices: the Road From Server Virtualization/Consolidation to Private Cloud’, and giving…

CIOZone.com Virtualization Video Discussion – Moving Past Virtual Stall

At VMworld 2010, I had the great pleasure to record a video interview with Roger Green, Executive Editor at CIOZone.com. We chatted for about 20 minutes in total (in 2 parts) about virtualization, the issues of virtual stall (including both…

The Cost of Innovation in Virtualization and Cloud?

I was pointed the other day to a chart on the Business Insider ‘Chart of the Day’ (@chartoftheday) showing the R&D expenditures for a handful of tech companies, evidence of Apple’s supposedly superior ‘innovation’ compared to four apparently randomly chosen…