I was privileged to be given an advance copy of the new book by crazy smart entrepreneur Dinesh Subhraveti, called “Containers Beyond The Hype”. I penned a short review for the back cover because I was so impressed. If you…
Why Your Big Data Needs Good Algorithms – Datamation
I was interviewed last week for a new article by my mate, the most excellent Andy Patrizio, writing for one of my favourite journals, Datamation. We talked about algorithms and more, and he also talked with Gartner and others too. This…
Expert interview on software localization for worldwide markets: Part 1 | Sajan
I was recently interviewed by the lovely people over at Sajan, who offer “a full range of language translation and localization services, covering all languages from Afrikaans to Welsh.” How awesome is that!? Here’s a short intro, you can check out…
How Discovery Used Splunk to Survive Shark Week
So, in a happy turn I recently found out I had been cited by Erika Morphy over at CMSWire in her super roundup of the announcements and customer stories from the annual Splunk user group, .conf15. It was a fantastic show,…
As interest grows, container management features still missing
I had a great chat recently with a fantastic journo and a good mate, Alex Barrett over at Tech Target, about one of the hottest areas in virtualization, cloud, and DevOps. Yep, that big! Enterprise IT shops are interested in…
iSpeak™ DevOps: Top 5 Implementation Mistakes to Avoid
Have I mentioned that Jeanne Morain, my co-author on ‘Visual Ops – Private Cloud‘ (see side bar to the right), is one of the best people I know in tech, or maybe ever? Well, you should know that, because then it…