New cloud realities emerge | ITWeb

Ahead of my coming trip to South Africa, I was interviewed for the excellent ITWeb on the new realities of  cloud computing. Check it out:

Cloud computing has delivered on its promises – and then some. But for the early adopters, there have been a few surprises along the way.

This is according to Andi Mann, VP of Strategic Solutions at CA Technologies.

Mann says he sees customers daily who have realised some – or even all – of the promises of cloud, including cost reduction, faster time-to-value, easier management and improved mobility.

“That said, it is not always easy, the results are not always as expected, and they don’t always happen straight away. For example, many of my customers have found that while they are getting fantastic speed and efficiency benefits from cloud, the cost reduction is nowhere near what they expected. Others are finding the ongoing operation and management even of low-touch SaaS applications is more of a burden than they expected,” he says.

read more at New cloud realities emerge | ITWeb.